Top 5 recommended reads:

Sarah's recommended reading list: Top 5 books for disability, law and awareness: 1. Fake Law : The Truth About Justice in an Age of Lies - The Secret Barrister. How our system decides who can live and who can die and how it actually works against us and was never implemented to protect us. 2. Disability Rights Handbook: Disability Rights Handbook Edition 48 April 2023 - April 2024. The modern day up to date rights for all disabled people. 3. Helping you to identify and understand Autism Masking - Emma Kendell. A great insight into autism and how well some individuals, especially females, mask it. 4. The complex PTSD treatment manual - Arielle Schwartz, PHD. For a psychiatrist but equally as valuable to any reader, this book explores detailed ways on how to overcome traumatic experiences. 5. Confessions of a G.P - Dr Benjamin Daniels. This one is more about the lack of education with Drs and how dismissive they are of people they believe are psychosomatic or emotionally linked to...