I had such a good time:

So I did!

I braved it and I went on the radio to talk about my upcoming book and disability awareness.

I did a shout out to Rayas Films London's movie Daggers Inn and where people can get involved with production!

Talked about communication and social media too and how it can and has impacted communication in real life.

Overall it was a good show and my canvas is going to be on their wall of fame!

I'm just continuing working hard towards my goals and they've asked me back on!

I'll be in the Newton News Newspaper this Friday and I keep fighting the good fight to raise awareness and I'm still volunteering for AGE UK.

I finally feel like I'm moving forward in all the right ways and looking forward to college again in September!

Small steps do achieve Big Goals! 

KawaiiDollDecora 🩷 ✨ 


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