Life is hard enough for me..

I was looking forward to getting ready and that for CLIFFECON but after all the bs* yesterday I just want to stay away from everyone and isolate for like a week... πŸ˜”

I get people won't and don't understand but I'm fed up of trying to rest for things and then obstacles been thrown in my way.

I already missed the ADM disco and food festival yesterday due to a bad pain flare up and I just want to curl up in bed which I can't because of the 'slats' issue. 

I missed the catalogue call back yesterday so I wasn't able to tell them that the email they gave me to send evidence is blocking my email and I just don't feel cared about right now.

I'm managing a lot of things and trying to sort a lot of things and I'm always alone in doing all of this and it's not easy but a little support my way wouldn't go amiss.

Guess it's just me against everything again...

..I'm tired....

S x

KawaiiDollDecora 🩷 ✨ 

*The bs involved neighbors disrespecting me and my space ...

Image reads "my love language is safety. And feeling emotionally safe means collecting evidence that I can be my authentic, messy, sometimes dysregulated and struggling human self, and still be valued, cared for, and not abandoned. - Danielle Koepke"

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