Community group management UPDATE:

I had to update my community Facebook group's boundaries today because some people think that uncensored means you should be FORCED to tolerate abuse and I simply disagree.

Asking people to own their actions and be responsible for themselves online is far too much since the online world has taught people they can be such monsters here.

I updated the information to give people a choice, so if the groups not for some people then they can see that it's not for them and that's okay, they can leave instead of bringing their negativity into a group that's about actioning positive change.

It's hard when you update and uphold boundaries, people get upset that they can't behave the way they did before, but that's their valid feelings about it and if the group is going to do what I need it to do I need to make sure it's abuse free from NOW.

If I can't get people to behave themselves then they give us no choice but to enforce rules to make sure only those who can behave have access.

People have the habit of ruining good things.

Actioning positive change and building up the town is ALL that matters, negativity solves and changes nothing, never has and never will.

Comments were also turned off as how we choose to safeguard the group is not up for discussion.

Sarah x

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