Bishop Auckland college complaints update:

How lovely:

If you're doing an ongoing course with Bishop College you're not welcome to be a part of their educational groups and they don't want you there but instead of saying that they pretend that your ongoing course is up or ended to justify removing 'just you' and no one else whose also doing ongoing courses; and why? ...because you spiked an interest in their events. Ya can't make it up!

Highly offended right now.

Basically a Feck off from the college to moi.

Also no clarification whatsoever on what was supposed to be misinformation and why this bloke overstepped the professional boundaries anyway by demanding things of me without justifiable explanation, when I was doing the college a favour anyway by sharing courses and trying to get people on the policing course. Guess another feck you for that too, cheers. 🥂 

Seems like a bag of bairns running an educational facility and the head investigator is incapable of investigating anything.

So basically ..."Sarah we don't give a F if your courses were ongoing and that we only removed you because you actually showed an interest in our educational activities and we can't have that now, and we've not told you anything about the policing course you were supposed to be on right now cause we don't give a shii about you and don't even want you in our Facebook group."

Cheers bishop Auckland college.

Duly Noted.

Highly understood.


Sarah Wingfield.

#bacoll #bishopaucklandcollege #bishopauckland #unwanted #noted.

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