Petition to get schools up to date:

Schools and Education is FAILING our kids:

To Rt Hon Bridget Phillipson MP

The issue is many families are being let down by schools and education systems, some children are SEND and schools need to DO MORE to be able to catch up with the new higher statistics on autism and more in regards to education.

Children being failed and left without education is NOT the answer.

I'm personally affected by this and many families I've spoken to are struggling too so we need to try and gather an many people to petition the government for better curriculum, send departments, inclusion and education to stop failing our children.

It's the law that a child gets an education yet many schools are falling below the law by not meeting the educational needs many students these days have.

I'm interested in solutions and actioning positive change for ALL schools to have a SEND department, to meet up to date numbers on the fact more and more individuals are being diagnosed and present with educational needs.

Please join me and let's make the educational system match up to modern day requirements of them.

What's needed:

More send specialists in mainstream schools.

ECHP plans are not being done so more of those.

More support for parents of send children.

More teacher training to meet the gap that the higher identification of autism has created.

Plus any additional resolutions or solutions that people may offer or add.

Schools and Education is FAILING our kids:

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