Gaslighting and Autism:

This sort of gaslighting is the worst, the bad thing happened and instead of having people around you helping you to pick up the pieces of the aftermath someone else caused; they tell you that you asked for it, it's your fault, you're the problem... completely disregarding what actually happened and it's a completely different situation when the same thing happens to them, what's worse is when adults mistreat a child and other adults say these things to the child and defend the abusive or harmful adult.

Some people need their heads shaking, they're almost as bad as the person who caused the harm, they validate the harm, they are on the side of the abusers and don't have an ounce of compassion because it happened to YOU and they act in line with how they FEEL about you (also misguided) as opposed to doing the right thing.

No one IS the problem, there is NO SUCH thing as DESERVING mistreatment, definitely not from simply just existing lol, the problem is when OTHERS behave in this negative way after someone has been harmed INSTEAD of being genuine decent human beings.

This happens often to people with autism by the way, because they're not understood. 

It adds trauma and low self worth to individuals that don't need to feel like that cause they're genuinely good people, so next time you see someone behaving awfully to someone and someone break down because of it: DON'T JOIN IN, be the safe space they need instead!!!

You could save someone from mental torture or even save a life!


Sarah Wingfield Author 🌹

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