Managing community groups:

Managing community groups are very hard when people choose to go out of their way to choose negativity and recruit 'pack animal' mentalities as opposed to actually resolve things.

I tried to create a thread for discussions and was clear that it was NOT a post TO vent or be negative, however people were all too keen to twist that to claim I was saying they ARE behaving poorly to then USE AS AN EXCUSE to behave poorly.

The online world is a circus of drama and I and other admins work tirelessly to avoid drama in our community group.

I posted this notice today and I am NOT responsible for how others CHOOSE to act on any misunderstandings or how they CHOOSE to BEHAVE negatively instead of merely discussing things and resolving things.

Actions speak volumes.

I apologise for any misunderstandings but will never apologise for not tolerating people incapable of using their words in a more respectful manner.

The group post:


Well I tried to create a discussion thread so people could genuinely discuss things. Comments were NOT turned off for that post, (I moved two discussions over from a post I had turned off commenting on) and I can't turn comments off for one specific person, what actually happened was they got suspended due to laugh reacting (see rules) and then couldn't comment as a result. 

Their time stamped screenshot proves they laugh reacted and then couldn't comment.

I was asking people not to BE rude not saying they are rude. (Although many obviously are and should not be as it's unnecessary.)

Clarification is everything and misunderstandings don't give anyone free reign to lash out or be argumentative. 

Your choices are yours alone.

However as the online world continues to become a circus for drama it proves that people are incapable of discussing things.

Atleast I tried. 💯💪🏻❤️

So from now if you want to discuss anything please directly do it to our inboxes. ⚠️

One individual I talked it out with because believe it or not we are actually a caring and friendly admin who fix things and work together to make a safe space for all Newtonians, and there seemed to have been a misunderstanding, I asked him what he wanted to do about the misunderstanding and he only then stopped communicating which prior to that was only keen on arguing his side as opposed to problem solve.

If he changes his mind I've told him my inbox is open and we are keen to hear from people and work together to better the town. 

People who want to discuss things and problem solve tend to have actions that align with those motives, however people who want to create drama and circuses aren't interested in actioning discussion. They thrive on disrespect and belittlement of others, those individuals are NOT welcome here.

Actions speak volumes.

If people misunderstand something their first reaction should never be to be negative anyway but we're not here to educate people on how to problem solve and actually sort issues, we created this group to be a platform for actioning positive change and nothing negative ever leads to actioning positive change so if people don't like the fact we are open minded and expect basic respect when discussing things then they don't have to. This group simply isn't for them.

I'm sorry for the misunderstandings but I won't apologise for never tolerating negative behaviour or abuse.

I wish people knew what was involved in upkeeping a social group and trying to get grown adults to behave online and talk things out like the group was made for but if we have to be the villain in some people's stories and if they want to blame us instead of focusing on how their online behaviour lead to suspensions or blocks we can't change that.

We are here to improve things not promote negativity or disrespect. Period.

You're also grown people and don't need to recruit friends to bring drama to the group or admin when your behaviour leads to a suspension, you PERSONALLY can still enquire, we aim to resolve issues and misunderstandings but we don't condone 'pack animal negativity' either.

Thank you for taking the time to read this and can I please ask people to re-read the rules.

Thank you.



Aycliffe Uncensored."

All we can do is our best and I think zero tolerance to people keen on creating drama or circuses is the best step forward, even if we get mislabeled as censoring.

We are not responsible for the actions of others.

Sarah x

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