Council meeting:

Attended the council meeting tonight and learned a lot about budgeting and events and it's a great way to become more knowledgeable to help your community and town.

Plus you get to observe and see all the hard work the councillors put in so our town can have such amazing events for all, trips out, and more, makes you grateful.

I will always be proud of my town and will always be proud to be helping my community, I got a few things going on right now and projects in the works and I'm building my stock image portfolio and my IMDb movie portfolio up nicely.

I'm finally getting to love my lane and live my life and I won't let anyone sabotage that.

I hate how I was targeted for no reason and have to watch my back in my own home but I'm noticing people like that, like to play dirty and cowardly and clearly have nothing better to do so I will keep avoiding them and won't let anyone intimidate me.

I don't care what lies they tell themselves to justify it or their recruitment of hate, it's sad and pathetic and I will never play with hate, ever.

I am filled with love and pain from disability and past experiences, karma comes around threefold and I don't need to have any revenge or play dirty, I'm upfront and if they don't like me for whatever reason then they'll have to get over it but with their hate and aggression and me having to previously involve police, I'm starting to doubt my ex damaged my window and instead it could have been someone a lot closer to home, hating for no reason and playing dirty won't work, I've lived through torturous hell and I'm still alive to tell the tale, I've done nothing to them and I won't, revenge isn't something I play with, nor is hate, so I keep going despite the obstacles and struggles thrown my way.

I just know to watch my back though and I will.

Being screamed at from their window on my CCTV whilst I was doing charity work in silence was the last horrible experience and I went to my dad's and avoided my own home and spoke to the police the next day.

I know I'm detested now and I know I'm not safe around them and they're clear with their intentions of getting my dog harmed or killed or taken by wardens and wanting to do a petition to get me evicted but I've heard nothing about that just had to deal with their attempts at intimidation.

I live in a torturous body that does more harm to me daily than their looks ever could, nah, I ain't running and I don't play dirty or with hate neither so I keep going and keep doing my charity work and keep making things better for people on my town and eventually the people they lie to to recruit hate and join in with the harrassment and intimidating behaviour will wake up to the fact that they're on the wrong side of the battle I refuse to be a part of.

I managed to sit outside for thirty minutes and watch the stars like I used to until their light came on and door open and then I came inside, I don't have time to be dragged into the lanes of hateful sorts with nothing better to do, I prefer to use my energy, including my anger cause people do be like that sometimes, and channel it all into making things better for others and I always have even when I was a child and always will.

I'm understanding my autism more now and how it's impacted me in the past and lead to certain scenarios and I'm smart enough to check myself and work on myself and gain knowledge that will help me to help myself as well as others because what use would I be to others if I couldn't help myself to be able to be there for them?

I stay in my own lane, other people's business is nothing to do with me and I wish others were brought up with the same courtesy, unless someone needs help its nothing to do with me. I also was brought up not to shii on my own doorstep so there is that too.

Since the second time the police came it's been quieter albeit with bouts of attempts of intimidation especially by her son, but I don't care, I'm happy now and my life is much better and I'm making waves and changes and making positive differences alongside many different charities and I've finally finished my studies so I get to slow things down for the colder months that bring about so much more pain than should be necessary lol.

I blog because I started this in 2009 and I hope it helps others, inspires others, I hope people relate and see me working hard to endure and fight and stay in a world that doesn't tend to like neurospicy individuals all that much, stats don't lie, and I hope I give them courage and energy and drive and hope they see their self worth and survive too.

I'm not perfect, I'm often misunderstood but I'm not soft and you can't be soft to have to endure a pain disability like mine daily, it's easy to hate, but it is hard to have to fight your own body and take pain all the time and still try and live your life despite it, in spite of it.

I hope I inspire and I'm only the messenger, even if my own life because if it happened I blog about it and even when I haven't moved right myself and made mistakes I blog about that and how I'm fixing it and changing it because I care about how I move and I never wanna move like those who've moved against me in the past.

Attended the council meeting tonight and learned a lot about budgeting and events and it's a great way to become more knowledgeable to help your community and town.

Plus you get to observe and see all the hard work the councillors put in so our town can have such amazing events for all, trips out, and more, makes you grateful.

I will always be proud of my town and will always be proud to be helping my community, I got a few things going on right now and projects in the works and I'm building my stock image portfolio and my IMDb movie portfolio up nicely.

I'm finally getting to love my lane and live my life and I won't let anyone sabotage that.

I hate how I was targeted for no reason and have to watch my back in my own home but I'm noticing people like that, like to play dirty and cowardly and clearly have nothing better to do so I will keep avoiding them and won't let anyone intimidate me.

I don't care what lies they tell themselves to justify it or their recruitment of hate, it's sad and pathetic and I will never play with hate, ever.

I am filled with love and pain from disability and past experiences, karma comes around threefold and I don't need to have any revenge or play dirty, I'm upfront and if they don't like me for whatever reason then they'll have to get over it but with their hate and aggression and me having to previously involve police, I'm starting to doubt my ex damaged my window and instead it could have been someone a lot closer to home, hating for no reason and playing dirty won't work, I've lived through torturous hell and I'm still alive to tell the tale, I've done nothing to them and I won't, revenge isn't something I play with, nor is hate, so I keep going despite the obstacles and struggles thrown my way.

I just know to watch my back though and I will.

Being screamed at from their window on my CCTV whilst I was doing charity work in silence was the last horrible experience and I went to my dad's and avoided my own home and spoke to the police the next day.

I know I'm detested now and I know I'm not safe around them and they're clear with their intentions of getting my dog harmed or killed or taken by wardens and wanting to do a petition to get me evicted but I've heard nothing about that just had to deal with their attempts at intimidation.

I live in a torturous body that does more harm to me daily than their looks ever could, nah, I ain't running and I don't play dirty or with hate neither so I keep going and keep doing my charity work and keep making things better for people on my town and eventually the people they lie to to recruit hate and join in with the harrassment and intimidating behaviour will wake up to the fact that they're on the wrong side of the battle I refuse to be a part of.

I managed to sit outside for thirty minutes and watch the stars like I used to until their light came on and door open and then I came inside, I don't have time to be dragged into the lanes of hateful sorts with nothing better to do, I prefer to use my energy, including my anger cause people do be like that sometimes, and channel it all into making things better for others and I always have even when I was a child and always will.

I'm understanding my autism more now and how it's impacted me in the past and lead to certain scenarios and I'm smart enough to check myself and work on myself and gain knowledge that will help me to help myself as well as others because what use would I be to others if I couldn't help myself to be able to be there for them?

I stay in my own lane, other people's business is nothing to do with me and I wish others were brought up with the same courtesy, unless someone needs help its nothing to do with me. I also was brought up not to shii on my own doorstep so there is that too.

Since the second time the police came it's been quieter albeit with bouts of attempts of intimidation especially by her son, but I don't care, I'm happy now and my life is much better and I'm making waves and changes and making positive differences alongside many different charities and I've finally finished my studies so I get to slow things down for the colder months that bring about so much more pain that should be necessary lol.

I blog because I started this in 2009 and I hope it helps others, inspires others, I hope people relate and see me working hard to endure and fight and stay in a world that doesn't tend to like neurospicy individuals all that much, stats don't lie, and I hope I give them courage and energy and drive and hope they see their self worth and survive too.

I'm not perfect, I'm often misunderstood but I'm not soft and you can't be soft to have to endure a pain disability like mine daily, it's easy to hate, but it is hard to have to fight your own body and take pain all the time and still try and live your life despite it, in spite of it.

I hope I inspire and I'm only the messenger, even of my own life because if it happened I blog about it and even when I haven't moved right myself and made mistakes I blog about that and how I'm fixing it and changing it because I care about how I move and I never wanna move like those who've moved against me in the past.

I'm proud of who and how I am and I don't deserve any BS or hate so I will say it! It takes guts to blog, especially about things you wished never happened in the first place but it's a part of my life cause they made it so and therefore it's in my blog.

If people learned to stay in their own lanes like I do or chose to move correctly then I'd not have to blog about the negative experiences they cause at all, it's really that simple.

I got CCTV up for a reason and like I've said before and will again and said to her face, I don't have any time for any hate so the police can deal with it instead cause I'm not going to make time for any, I don't hate and don't want any hate brought into my home or lane or life.

I'm starting to find myself again after a very horrendous relationship that I also survived, I'm liking the new me, the me with boundaries, the me that says no and walks away from conflict and abuse.

I choose what I do with my life, who I let have access to my life and what I allow in it and I'm so pleased that people pleasing tendencies are behind me, I still like to help people, I just won't crush or harm myself anymore to do it.

I matter too and I have my dog Bud and Axolotl Ponyo and my son and parents and friends and family, and I'm making positive differences and achieving things in all areas of my life I put my mind to.

I'm proud of me.

I like the new me.

You'll be seeing a lot more of her too.

Thanks for reading.

Sarah Wingfield Author 🌹 


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