Skinwalker: (poetic writing)


You're angry and worried about her that's normal
Someone showed you what he shared recently
And there was a time that he love bombed you the same too
There was a time he pretended to be the good guy
Had you look in the mirror and make you face how beautiful you are
..until he got his foot in the door
The compliments faded
He spoke and shared intimacy with many girls behind your back
The abuse crept in
His idea of love is harmful and to attack
His facade started to crack
You are angry and scared
Has he harmed her yet
Told her anything negative
How many has he slept with behind her back
Whilst she's so stupid to think he's sensitive
You know it won't last
Behavioural patterns before you prove that
Yet he talks about marriage to her
This early on again
He keeps his cover picture the one you made of him
Because you're the one that got away
You never settled for abuse
You told him he can't stay
So he latched onto another vulnerable woman
Someone wanting to be loved so hard
She's now dating a rapist
Refused to accept any evidence
Because he's filled her head with ugliness
She thinks you were the problem
Like he distorted and twisted his exes before you
You fell for it once too
You know what its like to be in her shoes
But it's no longer your business
You thank your friend for the lesson in healing
You can't protect every woman
But you can learn from him
He changed his Xbox name
Because he chose a new mask
To pretend to be the person you wanted
So you'd fall for him really fast
He'll dress himself up as anything
A skinwalker of modern day
Aslong as you provide food, housing and sex
He'll do anything or say anything to stay
He'll hide his secrets
With a smile on his face
The longer he fakes being nice
The more the sadist wants to escape
When that day comes girl
Please run for the door
He joked he would kill me
And I don't think he was joking...anymore.

Written by Sarah Wingfield
Sarah Wingfield Author  🌹
Wed OCT 16 2024

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