Breakthrough support:

My adult social worker Olivia has worked miracles for me over the last few days and she rang today bless her heart and gave me information to self refer to talking changes. Thanks to her Breakthrough services have been put in place and I can start and feel like I can actually make a good life for myself now. I've been a stressed, anxious, feeling unsafe, flustered, autistic meltdown ball of fun lol, and I want to change that. I want clarity and calm. I need it. I'm finally starting to feel like I'm getting the help I need and my hopes are up again, let's hope this time nothing shatters them. A lovely lady called Lisa came to meet me and she saw the issues I have with decluttering and organising and she will be working with me over the the next year so I can start and enjoy being in my home as opposed to hating that I can't do things or I can't do things fast enough. Isolation won't be as bad once my craft room is organised and I can craft again and take my ...