Disrespect is unnecessary:

Some people need to take a leaf out of my book and be more respectful and tolerant and also stay in their own lanes and mind their business. I don't bother other people or complain or tell them how to live their life so forgive me if I expect the same level of respect in return. One example is my street is constantly noisy, people are living their own lives and doing their own things, I just listen to meditation or put my headphones on, dogs are always barking and sometimes people are letting off steam, that I understand as the world is difficult and hard. What I don't understand is why people don't treat me with the same courtesy, I don't do half as much as others and my dog doesn't bark half as much as others on the street and is training, so when people deliberately go out of their way to complain or bother my parents (only when it suits them, not when my dog was harmed or window was put out) and the passive aggressive judgemental comments I hear from my garden, ...