
Showing posts from July, 2024

Birthdays and meetings:

I wanna say a HUGE thank you to everyone who's been so kind and wished me a happy birthday to me today and the mates that stepped up and helped me get a cider and that, you mean the world to me and I appreciate you so much!  Sending lots of love 💟 xx Been to the council meeting and now having a nice chill cider and enjoying the atmosphere at my local sports complex, in which the staff are always amazing and helpful.  Totally invaluable/indespensable. Just like my mates 😅🥹💪❤️ Stay shining! ✨ You've all helped to make my birthday a good one so I don't even know what I was even worried about! Just get anxious around my birthday but this one has been absolutely lovely. Sarah Wingfield Author 🌹 Xoxo

Nettles and cleaning up:

I was sorting my garden, cleaning up after my dog Bud ahaha and got some of the overgrown pulled but the nettles aren't happy... Got attacked, slapped on the wrist so I'll tackle them later... *Uncomfy* 😫 Rinsed under cold water and sudocrem. At least I'm doing my bestest! The old chair has gone now so my garden is lovely and clear now. Had a meeting with the charity yesterday and I've got my work I need to do now, I'm so excited to get started! Sarah x