Update: it got approved! Thank you admin! Support matters and together WE CAN HELP each other! 


I'm allowed to NOT like how the world is and I'm allowed to TRY and change that.

This town breaks my heart sometimes...

If you don't want charity posts or community support posts make THAT CLEAR IN THE RULES but don't remove posts that ARE NOT ADS OR BUSINESS posts based on that rule.

I am constantly gobsmacked at some of my towns groups...

They don't seem to want to SUPPORT COMMUNITIES and they should!

Pass it on Aycliffe should be for passing on information and community support as well as free items.

We owe our communities BETTER! 💪🏻❤️

LETS HOPE admin change their mind because networking is SO important when it comes to fundraising and support otherwise we don't get the information out that's needed and we let charities down as a result.

Please lets SUPPORT MORE and CENSOR and IGNORE less!

Sarah Wingfield Author 🌹


(All I can do is hope people work harder to support community and change their minds about community and charity posts)

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