Using my voice:


I am using my voice because the world never listened.

I am using my voice because I'm a recovering people pleaser.

I will make mistakes.

I will say the wrong things sometimes.

But I will ALWAYS correct it.

And I will NEVER pander to people keen on being nasty, negative and toxic themselves who try and deflect onto me.

I'm not responsible for your shiii a$$ attitude, I'm only responsible for me!

Make of it what you like, but my morals are NEVER on strike! 💪🏻❤️

Sarah Wingfield Author 🌹 

@KawaiiDollDecora ♡ ♡


Image reads:

"I don't like to build resentment because I know myself. I have to speak up otherwise you will eventually get a very cruel side of me. You might think my being outspoken is my aggressive side because it makes you uncomfortable but it's not."

- ichriecheblut/x

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